The Meaning Poem by Star Dust

Star Dust

Star Dust

Loonytown (It's an awesome place, right between Candyland and the Strawberry Forest)
Star Dust
Loonytown (It's an awesome place, right between Candyland and the Strawberry Forest)

The Meaning

In the deathly silence I think,
And stare at the bottomless floor,
At the shapes and colors I see,
For meanings and silence fill the air with indicating interest,
This is my life of understanding,
For I look deeper,
Into the darkness and realize it’s what our world is,
But find a way to differ,
And list the good things too,
But to consider the hope,
Not everyone does what they say they believe,
But try they do,
And pity what they wish they had,
But enough talking of the thoughts and minds,
The action is what really matters,
To help the world be better,
Is what we all wish to achieve,
But to open the eyes of the boy, who doesn’t comprehend,
To melt the ice of evil which blocks the sun,
That life’s a little different than what we all know,
They glacier all the goodness,
Those devil spirits,
For they’ve known a great deal of heartache,
But you may wonder, does this make sense,
Not to an exact measure,
Just look and think a little more profoundly,
And you might understand the meaning,
And the significance of what I say.

Star Dust

Star Dust

Loonytown (It's an awesome place, right between Candyland and the Strawberry Forest)
Star Dust
Loonytown (It's an awesome place, right between Candyland and the Strawberry Forest)
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