'' The Miracle Of Life '' Poem by Bri Mar

'' The Miracle Of Life ''

season called spring,
Has that certain ring,
You smell all the blossoming flowers,
While new birds sing,
Lambs have a fling
Then of course there's the showers.

It's wet we cry,
I wish it was dry,
Be careful, your wish may come true,
You cannot deny,
Without rain we'd die,
Yes, everything alive includes you.

To those who have none,
As they bake in the sun,
Billions of gallons are wasted,
Our attitude does stun,
Fellow humans we shun,
Water their dead never tasted.

We need to beware,
There are those out there,
Who are stockpiling what we have left,
When none's going spare,
For us they won't care,
These cretins are guilty of theft.

It's more valuable than gold,
A power to behold,
So why do we refuse to listen,
It's already being sold,
As well as controlled,
To some, it's blue gold that will glisten.

It's a valuable resource,
A powerful force,
Not one to be frittered away,
By continuing our course,
From water we'll divorce,
Our end is the price we will pay.

So, don't dare moan,
Rain don't disown,
Wet weather should not cause you strife,
What the wind has blown,
The rain lets it be known,
What you're witnessing is,

‘' The Miracle Of Life ‘'

Monday, March 18, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: life
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