The Moment History Repeat Itself Poem by Ernest Makuakua

The Moment History Repeat Itself

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The moment history repeat itself and you are given a task to prevent it.
You are so weak to face the consequences and challenges that comes with it
Then you will hear the question who am I for this?
yet the lord Christ said you can move mountains
Even if you have faith as little as a mustard seed you can tell the mulberry tree to be uprooted and planted in the sea it will obey you.
The word says you can speak to demons and remove them from your body for the devil is the installer of the bad in you when the lord wants the good for you
You have the power,

The moment history repeats itself
Get down Put your hands together, gather answers and solutions, ask the right question and tell what kind of transformation you want, not your will but His will be done

Cold as it sounds, drastic and scary, horrific as it may seem
If God can bring dry ground in the Reed see and Jordan what situation is impossible with Jesus?
He is a burning and consuming fire and can burn anything and still not destroy its nature

Dear have faith and all shall be well
You cannot sleep under a spell
You cannot lean on needles
You cannot learn to stand if you haven't fell

He didn't want this life for her
You said you wanted the best for her
Who will bring the best for her if you and him don't stand together as one In the lords Grace For it's sufficient for all.

Her heart so fragile,
Your Anger so Aggressive,
His Mind so Perplexed.
This Love so Broken, What was messed can always be fixed by speaking for the power of life and death are in the lips so can we bring life to this lifelessness

Speak to your heart. When history repeats itself and it's not a good repeat, then Look up kneeling and your solution is provided.
You are not people You are not the world but You can build a better world through one generation and if another comes it will be a chain.

The moment history repeat itself don't pack and Run for you packed it with you and it will grow where you go
Fix IT.

The moment history repeat itself don't pack and Run for you packed it with you and it will grow where you go
Fix IT. Problems have a tendency to grow if not fixed.
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