The Music Poem by Kathryn Thompson

The Music

Rating: 3.3

I hear the music
The music is playing
The music is soft
The music is now fading
The music is gone
Which means so is my life
No music means no life
The music is gone
Come back to me music
The Music is begining
I have a life
The music is pretty
The Music is wonderful
Oh no
The music is fading again
I love the music
The music is gone
Good bye music

Rafael Refojos 04 September 2009

What a ridiculously bad poem! It is redundant, bland, and uncreative. Are you 'critics' blind or is your taste in poetry that bad? You should apologize to Music, It didn't deserve that.

25 15 Reply
Music 1395 13 June 2009

I love this poem, its well written and i agree, there is no life with out music

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Vienni Yi 03 December 2007

hi. i wonder what MUSIC really means to u. i'm also crazy about music as you do but i never fond that music could be gone with...

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*Aishwarya. P* 03 February 2007

Hai there, The music of the poem u wrote is cool

16 13 Reply
Cool Soubai 27 July 2008

we ca not live without music cause it washes away ou pains and brings back sweet memories.Good work

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Khushi 10 July 2018

Music is my life and l want to be a singer

3 0 Reply
Brian Jani 19 June 2014

Music is my life and you depicted it well in this poem

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Araina Stromeyer 29 July 2012

It's okah. But to be honest i really didn't like it. It just seemed like a little kid wrote it because it was so simple sorry kid: (

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Marcella D 20 November 2009

thats how I feel when I don't hear music, I feel like a lifeless doll everyday without it, good job, I feel your pain!

35 6 Reply
Rafael Refojos 08 September 2009

Also, the IS life without music. Don't be dumb. Without music there is no music and as sad as it sounds life will still go on. Wake up.

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