The Night Is Infinite Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English Poems

The Night Is Infinite

The night is infinite, finite is light,
Who created the night? who brought light to light it?
What bang is it that that crept light over the night?
Who split spitfire to billion shapes, and spread
In ever-expanding nooks and comers of the night?

Who, but the night, sustains the infinite space?
Who, but the night, brought light to light over it?
Who else, but the night, split spit-fire to billion shapes
And threw it with a bang to the time's eternal edge
And saw itself in glory of manifesting as infinite space?

In what distant time, broke out the night from womb,
And to what distant realm will it move in this great swell?
Who made it that deep? who made it mat broad?
Who is that made the night infinite in twosome with the time?
Who else, but the night, in the bustle of cosmic boom!

Heaven's eyes pierce holes, so the million stars, across
The endless stretch of night, the ephemeral bright days
Burst out of these holes, sprout the seeds of life;
The night mothers life, light fathers life to the world,
They, in divine entwinement, bounce life on this Earth.

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