The Noble Assumption Poem by Kishore Kumar Das

The Noble Assumption

Rating: 5.0

you interact with human beings
as a part of your work
with some you get along well
with some there is friction
all are not like-minded
somebody's words and actions
hurt you so much
the issue attacks your sub-conscious and lingers
you know you have to drive this from your mind
but that doesn't happen;
if you analyse in a cool mind
it only results in mental turmoil
a simple solution seems to be there;
ok, bad people are there
you can't think well of them
if you assume that
they think well of you
probably they want your long term happiness
some good thing may be hidden
in their harsh words
once you assume that
they think well of you
the tension vanishes
what's the harm in this noble assumption?
once situation turns normal
you can modify yourself
you can take care of others' complaints
so think always:
everybody thinks well of you
this ensures spread of love
and makes life peaceful.

Friday, September 4, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: assumption,think,well
Kumarmani Mahakul 04 September 2020

Whenever we go out or whenever we work at offices we interact with others and it is very common. We should be careful always to talk sweetly and express postie attitudes and morals.We should proceed ahead with love and peace. So that the workplace can be lovable and peaceful, productive and successful. An excellent poem is well penned...10

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