The Only Hope For Man Poem by Gary James Smith

The Only Hope For Man

Rating: 5.0

The Only Hope For Man

Praise God for our Saviour
Who loveth like none other
Who reigns in eternal majesty
And died for you my brother
Hallelujah for His Resurrection
To the grave He was not bound
No! It could not hold Him
For His destination was Glorybound

He ascended into Heaven
With the Angel's witnessing thus
And they gave affirmation too
That at this time it was a must
As well they prophesied His return
That it would be in like manner
Praise God for this written record
It upholds the gospel banner

Yes Hallelujah for the Cross
The only hope for man
There is Salvation in none other
For it was God's eternal plan
All of the damnable atrocities
That stem from the root of sin
Praise God one day a full deliverance
To those who've trusted Him

Praise God it's still available
As long as men have breath
Upon repentance and faith in Jesus Christ
We can have victory over death!
For He our Hallelujah...Hallelujah!
Is coming back again
To raise us up with Him to Glory
The only hope for man!

Hallelujah what a Saviour!

Copyright October 6201910: 39 AM

Gary James Smith

Sunday, October 6, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Kingsley Egbukole 06 October 2019

Jesus Christ is our redemption. Beautiful poem. Please kindly check my poems HOPE and THE BEAUTY OF DEATH. Kingsley Egbukole.

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Gary James Smith

Gary James Smith

Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
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