The Passion Of The Painter! Poem by Denis Martindale

The Passion Of The Painter!

The TV painter spoke with glee
Explaining what was done,
The mountain and the scenery
Were now his share of fun!
He thus enthused with all his might
At rock and snow and sky,
As if he knew each blessed insight
And didn't have to try!

It was as if he knew the Lord
And shared Creation's gift
And that explained his great reward,
Through faith that couldn't drift!
In minutes, fir trees loomed so tall,
At first, as black as soot,
Till verdant green transformed them all,
How detailed and how good!

The purest white adorned each slope,
Each surface side by side
And as he painted, he felt hope,
His heart was filled with pride!
And yet thanksgiving filled his soul,
With smiles upon his face,
That genius had self-control,
Expression and God's grace!

The blue lake sparkled here and there,
Reflecting all above,
Such that the artist stopped to stare
With eyes so full of love!
Then all at once, he turned his head,
'Good night and God bless you! '
And thus with joy at what he said,
He fondly bid adieu!

Denis Martindale, copyright June 2014.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: passion
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