The Past Banished Poem by Elaine Polin

The Past Banished

Rating: 3.5

In all this time I had no thoughts of you,
Nor dreamed of years of youthful innocence
When love was always in the present tense
And every moment endless seemed, and new.

Now at the twilight of my many days
You call to me and offer love again,
I could no longer bear to feel such pain
As when our roads led us in separate ways.

Too late, my dear, the tears dried long ago
When laughter took their places in my heart,
Filled saddened soul with poetry and art
And dimmed your voice, your face, your youthful glow.

Today I venture forth to a new time
With youth renewed, while you rest far behind.


Getting even for making you wait by rejecting the object of desire? How delicious that freedom must feel when becoming free from that heavy burden-the heart is either aching or leaping.A ten from me.

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Dawn Slanker 02 September 2008

I was right in my assumption that this would be a wonderful sonnet. The form is perfect and the theme is one that I can appreciate a great deal. This sonnet could easily be a lesson in strength for any person wishing to move on and leave 'The Past Banished' Great title and poem.

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