The Race Called Destiny Poem by Ifeanyi Eze

The Race Called Destiny

Rating: 4.7

The road to take
It's not without its pains and turmoils
It is the road to take
It promises a harvest
It lures us with its promises
It pulls us with its essence
Definitely, this is the road
A course set in, by God Almighty
And He calls for faith..
Faith in Him
This road, I can't resist
Though aware of the downs
Still I stand there, looking at it, Knowing, this is who I am
It's the race to my destiny
To go, is a must
Though I know of the perils
It's not enough to faint me
And therein lies the magnificent glory
The fruits of the seed
The harvest of my race
It was worth the journey, it always is worth it
I'm so glad I took the road..
The road to destiny
The road to my destiny

Sunday, June 15, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: Life
Marieta Maglas 10 November 2014

Nice poem....................

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Dare Onadele 26 June 2014

Wow....good job, Ifeanyi. Keep the fire burning!

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Dare Onadele 26 June 2014

Wow....great one Ifeanyi. Keep the fire burning.

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Ifeanyi Eze

Ifeanyi Eze

Lagos, Nigeria
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