The Rain Poem by Dr Shamim ali

The Rain

The Rain
The sunny sky, the dusty ground,
All signs of summer can be seen
The continuous heat, the scorching sun
This time for rain to make good

The first drops like tears from the sky,
To appease the blazing soil
To fill the dams till it run itover
And to answer the prayer of all living beings

From joyful shouts in the fiery streets,
To aid the farmers in fields
The rain has brought happiness in abundance
And kept the famine all away

The earth looks clean and new and green
All washed up and peaceful
People all over fond of rain,
That has kept the earth all dirt free

A hazy sky, with echoing above,
sparks of light here and there;
The rain has come, to wonderful delight
This is no time to rest and gaze

Run outside and enjoy the cold clean air
Run in the rain here and there
For before you know it summer will be here
The seasons have all been planned by God
Shamim Ali

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