The Red Hood Poem by Daya Nandan

The Red Hood

I was a young teenager with my step father on a quest,
To stop a criminal causing chaos and havoc in the west,
But i was captured and held captive by a clown,
Who brings the curse of death and carnage all around,

He took a crowbar and started bashing my skull,
Breaking the bones on my limbs with a laughter so dull,
I was watching my self bleed out profusely in pain,
little by little my consciousness started to drain,

My eyes were closing but i tried to keep them open and wide,
My will against the violent pummeling that was breaking the bones inside,
So much of my blood was pooling on the ground,
This would my grave, i thought i would never be found,

And so he laughed harder and harder as he delivered each strike,
Watching me beg and cry is the scene that he would truly like,
And finally he gave one heavy blow to my head,
i was passed out and now dead,

Much later i awoke in bandages in a glowing greenish pit,
My wounds were healed and my body was fit,
I saw an old man looking towards me with many armed guards,
I was in some kind of cavern with many sharp shards,

I went berserk and fought them all and managed to escape,
i jumped off the mountain the cavern was hidden in without my cape,
My step father never found me, i was going to find him now,
I wanted to kill the clown, that was my vow,

I was heart broken when i found out that the clown was still alive,
Locked in a mental asylum where he could laugh and survive,
Even after my death my father spared that pile of death worshiping garbage,
After the graveyards he has filled, after all the death and carnage,

I took up the mantle of a criminal that my step father once fought,
The mantle of the Redhood would be the start of my ultimate plot,
I will make sure he regrets sparing that clown that killed me,
i will make make revenge the true guide of my destiny,

i am the Redhood, the second Robin and stepson of Batman,
And i am going to break the Joker out with my master plan,
Out of Arkham Asylum and lead him into my trap of death,
So i can force Batman into taking away the Jokers final breath.

Thursday, October 31, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: evil,hero,revenge
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