The Riddle Of The Cockney Sparrow Poem by sylvia spencer

The Riddle Of The Cockney Sparrow

Rating: 4.8

Do you want to read this ditty
about a girl who came from,
the city.
Her name doesn't really matter,
because it's only,
a load of old chatter.
The girls father was a booser
a real right battle cruiser.
He sent her on the street,
with nothing on her,
plates of meat.
This poor little
cockney sparrow,
who could hardly push
her barrow.
The poor girl was brasic,
there was hardly any brass,
but the blame was with her farther,
who was always on his, Khyber Pass
She had to keep
herself fed,
to stop her from ending up
brown bread.
The toffs would come
dressed in whistle and flutes,
toffed up to the nines,
right down to their to daisy roots.
Upon their heads were titfer's
that shone like polished glass,
and always their sky rockets,
were jingerling, full of brass.
She would chat, to them all
until the very last call.
Then down the frog and toad
her drunken father would come,
he never knew it was all over,
when landing on his fife and drum.
The toffs they threw him
up on to the barrow,
and crushed his
prize cockney marrow.
They took him to the hospital,
because he coulden't, jimmy widdle
and this is the end,
of the cockney sparrows' riddle.

Duncan Wyllie 27 February 2006

Dear Sylvia, I don't know the original story but this one was full of imagery.Love Duncan

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Gina Onyemaechi 23 February 2006

Ha ha ha! ! Yep, 'e was a right 'eadcase, this girl's old man, weren't 'e? Got banged to rights in the end though, didn'e? Glad to 'ear it. And Sylv, get a loada this: I lived in Plaistow until I was 20. This poem has special meaning for me. See ya la'er! Warm regards, Gina.

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Scarlett Treat 23 February 2006

Darling Rose Princess: You well know I don't SPEAK more than two or three words of Cockney (foreign language to me) but I surely got the jist of this one. Good for the toffs who threw him into the barrow! He deserved it! Scarlett

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sylvia spencer

sylvia spencer

woolwich london
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