The Shining Star Poem by louis rams

The Shining Star

The shining star

I was gazing up at the sky one night when a particular
Star caught my sight.
Why was this star so unique that it gave me chills from
My head to my feet.
Is this the star that led the three kings that night to witness
GODS most beautiful sight?
Could this be VENUS the Goddess of love who shines so bright
In the skies above?
Then four points in the star shined so bright and it looked
Like the sign of the cross and guiding light.
It was the four corners of the earth
spreading the love of GODS's birth.
Feel the thoughts as it enters your mind of
When he gave sight to the blind.
Is he giving me a sight that I have never seen before
And open all the doors?
I don't know and who is to say because that
The shining star is here to stay.
© L. RAMS 021422

louis rams

louis rams

new york city
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