The Silencing Of Dissent 1 Poem by Jan Oskar Hansen

The Silencing Of Dissent 1

The silencing of dissent

On france24 a TV Channel a red haired lady
said something strange:
if anyone is critical of America,
it is because they have been influenced by Russian
propaganda, that is by fake news.
I thought that was clever,
if this is the new norm of freedom of speech
say goodbye to intelligent discourse
whatever you say your head has been
turned by the Russians.
The tactic of belittling dissenters is an Israeli
trick that or calling people anti-Semitic,
if I tell you that Israel a state in Palestine
I would be called nasty names
if I tell you that Barrack Obama was
the worst president America ever had
you would call me a liar nevertheless it is true
The freedom of the word is threatened by
the liberal class who will accept
any criticism of their opinions, we who believe
in the true democracy
are in for a rough ride not from Trump
but from the intelligencia.

Saturday, January 14, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: opinion
Lantz Pierre 14 January 2017

What a facile reading of a news report. Try critical thinking to put your point across. Of course, it is my opinion, and my opinion only, not a poem or an attempt at a poem, but I think that the only critical thinking that Donald Drumpf is capable of is that which narcissistically defends his own ego. Which is YUGE! ! !

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