The Story Of A King: 03 - The Royal Voice Poem by Subhas Chandra Chakra

The Story Of A King: 03 - The Royal Voice

Rating: 5.0

Like most powerful kings
He also spoke less.
Our king had a linen
for dialects foreign, alien
but spoke native on special days, to bless.

His courtiers were wise
He need not be.
They thought for him
and planned or did decide
everything, kept Him free.

He had all that to foster
a dose of marijuana each hour
to keep him actively forget
what he must not do or have sought
on this mundane life, and state's affair.

His voice appeared soar
dry and thunderous roar
when He spoke at will
to His men, on ant-hill
an appeal to serve and be sober.

The Story Of A King: 03 - The Royal Voice
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: insensitivity,kingdom,lifestyle,royalty,voice
A king of a state should have his own senses, eyes and ears to see and hear the sufferings of his fellow people. But rarely do they have it. And nobody understands the dire reality that a king lives with.
The royal life has little to do with the sufferings of his people.
An addicted king rarely understands the reality of his people.
Binayakumar Mohanty 14 November 2017

What not sir.? Shortly you are going to be retrenched from the odia citizenship

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Subhas Chandra Chakra 14 November 2017

Thanks Sir for the wise and kind remarks on the poem, Next I will write in disguise from a room, upstairs at Jaraka with your support.

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Binaya 14 November 2017

You are most welcome sir.

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Chris Embrick 14 November 2017

I wish these heads of state could see the reality of who they are and that they will only be remembered if at all by their lack of understanding and love.. Sad that people today behave like they're gods. Great continuation of the king's story. 10+++

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Subhas Chandra Chakra 14 November 2017

Thanks Chris Sir for the wise and kind remarks on the poem, Great that you spent so much precious moments on them to inspire me along this creative path.

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Sabita Sahoo 15 November 2017

He had all that to foster a dose of marijuana each hour to keep him actively forget what he must not do or have sought on this mundane life, and state's affair. An addicted king rarely understands the reality of his people. 10++

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Anita Aparajita Das 15 November 2017

what he must not do or have sought on this mundane life, and state's affair. An addicted king rarely understands the reality of his people. 10+++++

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Seema Sharma Rimi 15 November 2017

when He spoke at will to His men, on ant-hill an appeal to serve and be sober. All these descriptions resemble our chief minister of Odisha, how strange is the poem published on the children's day on which he spent 200 crores for the AD of his popularity? 10++++ for the sharing.

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Ranjan Kumar Ghosh 15 November 2017

His voice appeared soar dry and thunderous roar when He spoke at will to His men, on ant-hill an appeal to serve and be sober. An addicted king rarely understands the reality of his people. Truly said. Thanks for the poem shared. 10+++

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Sonali Parida 15 November 2017

The royal life has little to do with the sufferings of his people. He had all that to foster a dose of marijuana each hour to keep him actively forget what he must not do or have sought on this mundane life, and state's affair. An addicted king rarely understands the reality of his people. 10+++++

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Subhas Chandra Chakra

Subhas Chandra Chakra

Sainkul, Anandapur, Odisha, India
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