The Story Of Missing You Poem by Lendsy Salcedo

The Story Of Missing You

Rating: 5.0

I'm missing you,
Every single second of my day, of my night
It contains you and you.
Everything reminds me of you.
Your smell, your touch, your voice---oh the sweet voice.
Your laughter, your smile, your eyes.
I miss you so bad.
Every corner of my small room, there's you.
I miss you.
Every passing motorcycles, cars, I am hoping atleast one would stop in front of our house.
I am hoping it's you, coming back.
I am wishing it's you, would come back.
I miss you so much.
Your I love yous.
Your sweet gestures.
Your thoughts.
I miss you.
The only thing I could do for now is to long.
Reminiscing the happy memories we shared in the short period of time to consider, but for me, you've given me the feeling as if I've known you for decades and for centuries.
I love you. I love you so much, babe.
I miss you. Repeating these words to God, that's the only thing I could do.
It pains me, the feeling of not seeing you, not being with you, not hearing anything from you.
It pains me every single seconds of my days.
I miss you. I wish you to come back and hug me tight, tell me you love me, kiss me warmly and promise me you'll never leave me again.
The pain of missing you keeps me awake until midnight.
The pain of missing you woke me up at 3am.
Groping in the dark bedroom we shared;
Wishing you're here beside me.
Hugs me, kisses me---
I miss you so bad.
Every cold night passed, your warmth I craved.
The only thing keeps me alive from this coldness are tears falling down to my cheeks.
I am drowning. I drown myself in these warm tears.

Lendsy Salcedo

Lendsy Salcedo

Canaman Camarines Sur, Philippines
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