The Swan Poem by Lora Colon

The Swan

Rating: 5.0

In quiet moments, that's when I hear Him
Telling me He's arranging everything;
"The love you are longing for will find you -
A swan will come, then look beneath its wing"

I spend most days lingering by the river
On my knees, and the pain's so hard to bear;
In quiet moments, that's when I hear Him,
He says He knows that I'm still waiting there

I cry "O, Lord, why am I still longing?
Your words confuse me - they don't mean a thing; "
He tells me to keep watching for the swan,
And then look for the rose beneath its wing

"I'm humbled by Your words, and I'll keep waiting,
Your concepts, far beyond simplicity;
But Lord, don't turn away, not for an instant,
Your minute is my eternity"

While the sun was glistening on the river,
I heard a mighty wind rustling the trees;
I saw the swan come floating in the distance,
It came to me while I was on my knees

The River of Despair was overwhelming,
Each day I prayed in search of sweet repose;
And as promised, my love was sent to me,
I knew him when he offered me a rose

Friday, December 27, 2013
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Bri Edwards 11 March 2016

My Echo “Swan Song” I bought a goose at the butcher shop, I had them, the feet and the head, lop … I lugged the goose home to my kitchen, and to my surprise the headless bird was itchin’ … under one of its pimply, plucked bird arms, …. which …. set off in my head all sorts of horrible alarms. An itching goose? ! How can it be? It is quite dead. And that’s when, from beneath its arm came a rose, quite red. Then a voice, booming loudly, quite close and stern ….. said to me “Will you humans there on Earth NEVER learn? Just now, not far away, alongside the wide and flowing river …. kneels a lady seeking love and passion, as is the current fashion. I did my best to help, but along came the butcher boy and set a’bashin’ … the poor, now-lifeless (almost) goose. Now the goose will surely be cooked, and next time the lady looks for love-assistance, I’ll be so, so ……over-looked! bri :)

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Mike Barrett 03 January 2014

Beautiful! IF you wish, check out my poem, The Bird and the Tree. Cheers!

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Pradip Chattopadhyay 30 December 2013

your love poems are planted in the heart!

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Brian Johnston 28 December 2013

Mindful that shapes deceive and breezes die, still I grow, no longer just a watcher of clouds. I sing a primitive song of desire to the power that governs her gathering, And open my arms to embrace an answered prayer, the moisture of her breath. From Like A Farmer

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David Lessard 27 December 2013

Soft and feathery. Full of love's longing.

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Lora Colon

Lora Colon

Missouri - United States
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