The Swine Flu Outbreak Poem by Ramona Thompson

The Swine Flu Outbreak

Note-Just dark fiction

The truth of this virus is oh so simple to understand
Had you greedy whites not crossed our kind once too often over the years
None of this would be happening
Everything you have done so wrong now will come back to haunt you all
In the very worst of ways
Slowly, harshly, painfully

What you reaped
Now you so shall sow
Innocents will not be spared
They will be treated just the same as the guily
Without any care or mercy whatsoever

None of you shall be spared the revenge of our spurned Almo ancestors
Eagerly we have planned this and now in glorious wonder we shall watch
As one by one you all sicken and die
Finally at long last maybe we can even blackmail Texas into giving back the state which is ours

Laugh away not at this very real threat to your world and well being
Until you give back what you vile while men own us brown ones
This will be your punishment
With nothing but one thing to save you all now

Break down and give back the land that you stole
Resist us and you shall all know true hell on earth

You have been warned
Now make your choice, white man

2009 Ramona Thompson

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