The Tiny Little Crab Poem by Josiah Lozier

The Tiny Little Crab

Swish Swash, the blue water lapped at my feat.
The Sounds of the ocean, wind, and seagulls like a drummers beat.
I walked along feeling the sand between my toes.
I looked down starring down in astonishment.
There twixt my toes was a tiny, little crab.
He begin to dance as if to a fiddle.
As I watched in a trance.
He looked up and sung with full lung.
“ Look and see, the sand stretches father than the eye can see.”
“ Do you feel the wind, it tickles your face, it dances along at it’s own pace.”
“ Hear, the ocean, it’s sounds? ”
“ Does it not calm your fear better than any beer? ”
“ Can you taste the calm? ”
“ Can you? ”
“ Is not you spirit calmed? ”
The tiny, little crab hopped and skipped away.
“Please stay, oh little crab, I am in dismay! ” I cried!
The tiny, little crab hopped a little further then stopped.
He spoke with great wisdom.
“ Ah, you are not calm.”
“ But I have all the money! ” I said.
“ My dear child! ”
“ I sense fear.” He spoke.
I saw a small tear dropp to the sand.
“ But I have a beautiful, wife and my house has little strife.” I cried!
Another tear dropped and he spoke again.
“ You do not understand.”
“ All these things that are upon the land.”
“ Are like blowing sand, in the wind.”
“ You may have a beautiful wife and little strife.”
“ But what’s to be said after this life?
I put my head in my hands and cried out.
“ Surely there is no place after this life? ”
“ Yet here I am crying for something I can, not find.”
“ Oh, please little crab tell me more! ”
I looked down down, there twixt my toes was the tiny, little crab.
He begin to dace as if to a fiddle.
Then sung with full lung of this place.
I listened as if in trance.
There’s a place where all have a happy face.
Only there cause of his grace.
It’s beyond space.
Do you feel lost?
This place there’s no cost.
Money won’t get you there.
Neither good deeds.
So don’t speed or you’ll miss it.
All you who act in greed, watch and you’ll lose your possessions in speed.
Are you troubled?
If you think then you might find the missing link.
You missed.
He still gives grace.
Just ask! Don’t wait!
Read the book and follow the lead.
There’s a place where all have happy face and we're only there cause of his grace.
So don’t wait!
Life is short and in the end you’ll have to give a report.
What will it be?
Did you speed and miss it?
Now it’s to late.
Did you speed and miss it?

Tears fell from my face.
“Oh, tiny little crab, I have committed to many sins.”
“ He has no limitations to his grace my child.” He spoke with a happy face.
“ But surely I am too late! ” I cried with a loud voice.
“ Only if I had known sooner, I have waisted so much of my life! ” I cried.
“ Do not cry my child, you are not late, you can still decide your fate.” He spoke.
My heart filled with joy as if I was a little boy.
“ Thank you, oh, tiny little crab! ”
But he was gone with a hop and a skip.
I raised my head and His words filled my heart.
“ Look and see, the sand stretches father than the eye can see.”
“ Do you feel the wind, it tickles your face, it dances along at it’s own pace.”
“ Hear, the ocean, it’s sounds? ”
“ Does it not calm your fear better than any beer? ”
“ Can you taste the calm? ”
“ Can you? ”
“ Is not you spirit calmed? ”

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