The Tragedy Of Fortnite Poem by Fort Nightingale

The Tragedy Of Fortnite

Rating: 4.3

When we dropped
to tilted towers
I realized
there were no flowers

I found a large
Blue shield
About to fight
I will never yield

We gathered up
to fight as one
there was no comparable force
under the sun

Then we spotted
a treasure chest afar
inside it was
three golden SCARS

The storm eye closed
it was too late
we were all killed
I succumbed to hate

Friday, April 20, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: games
0W0W0W0W0 14 September 2018

gud peom its remind me how i beat my wife

11 9 Reply
drake hemper 14 September 2018

im reporting you those words are swear.

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penei 09 August 2018

u gug are bad dis game no for lozers

7 9 Reply
jimmy the toad 27 February 2019

you should be in ygs

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Logan 10 April 2019

u r a loser

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Joe Berglund 03 May 2021

This is great because I need a poem for English and I chose this and now everybody loves me

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Fresh 23 November 2020

It is good (I have to add more characters so chazza bazza

0 0 Reply
Donald Trump 28 February 2020

Thank you Kanye, very cool!

1 0 Reply
fortnitelover6000 24 April 2019

ok this is so epic......................................

5 0 Reply
collin 04 April 2019

. I have a freind named josh ameria and hunter.

4 2 Reply
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