The Unseen Battle Poem by Divina Boulangé

The Unseen Battle

You may hear the yelling; you may criticize the actions.
You may see the temper rising and recoil at the reactions.
But deep inside my frame, you don’t know what’s going on.
You don’t see the battle waging between my flesh and the Son.

My patience now is waning; my temper’s gaining fire.
While the Holy Spirit loses ground, here come my old desires!
Around me pressure’s building; there’s no hope anywhere!
And in my time of greatest need, I forget the weapon of prayer.

The battle now is over. Defeat is in the air.
And knowing I have failed the Lord, I retreat in deep despair.
I let the tears run freely and hang my head in shame.
I can’t believe I did so wrong by not trusting in His name.

The Lord grants me forgiveness and again He makes me whole.
With our fellowship mended, sweet peace fills my soul.
Yet hidden in the shadows, the roaring lion lies in wait.
Returning from my closet of prayer, I meet the tempter’s bait.

But remembering my past mistake, I first seek my Lord’s face.
I ask for patience and meekness, but most of all, His grace.
As I cry and pray to Him, I feel His presence there.
And before I turn to go, I thank Him for my answered prayer.

When I reach the battlefield, I’m amazed to see
The enemy retreating as my Lord fights on for me!
Though this inner battle is hidden, the victory is clear.
This time you see a patient smile, and a gentle answer you hear.

The change is so dramatic, that you cannot believe it was me.
But that was not me! It was the Lord Who won the victory!
Christian, are you battle-weary from fighting in your own power?
Look to the Lord Who is your defender and strong tower.

When the temptation arises, and you are too weak to fight,
Beseech the Savior to empower you with His might.
This spiritual warfare should not be faced, unprepared and alone.
Prayer is not a last resort; it is the strongest weapon you own!

Glaedr the poet 17 April 2007

Awesome! Absolutely wonderful! Yes, we never should be afraid to turn to our Lord for help! As for failing him, as long as we can keep temptation at bay and forever strive to do his word, our earthly life (war) will end with us victoriously finding our reward in heaven. It is there where we'll find ourselves in God's arms hearing him say, 'Well done, good and faithful servant'. My sister in Christ I invite you to read my poems 'Unstoppable' and 'Inspiration from my prayers'. I hope you'll enjoy them as much as I've enjoyed this poem of yours!

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