The Value Of A Dollar Poem by Janice M Pickett

The Value Of A Dollar

I found a dollar the other day
it lay there on the ground
I wondered who had dropped it
and I had to look around
I saw a man with a suit and tie
he didn't need the money
then not far off a beggar stood
he shivered although it was sunny

I saw the man in his suit and tie
dropp something in his lap
it looked like a note, maybe a ten
and the beggar tipped his cap
I thought about my dollar
and decided if I could
take it over and help the man
then wondered if I should

As I looked, the old man
turned, and walked into a bar
I saw him buy a bottle and
swig it from the jar
I watched him pull a cigarette
out from his dirty pants
he asked the barman
for a light
then I noticed at a glance
that his pockets were full
of money
the donations from the day
what a pity this once strong man
would drink it all away

I wondered if he had a wife
waiting for him at home
Only this hobo knew his fate
from the seeds that he had sown

Janice M Pickett

Janice M Pickett

Middlesex England
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