The View From Here Poem by Pam Planet

The View From Here

Heart Vessels

The background music drones on
it is not that I am not in the moment
or respectful of all you've been through
I just have to find the valve to release this anger!
Anger... a poetry you have never allowed
called it names and put labels on it...

I can't waste my time anymore
anger and sadness the two walls of love
I am interested in anyone creating heart vessels
a vase for love you wake up into!

At This Fissure

I will stop myself at this fissure, at this crevice
to take a breath, it not being time to fall
for sure fate has a way with that, I have no doubt
in the power of forces greater than me
but this is not the time to go on wasting energy
the air clear and breathable on this particular climb
I'll rest here and find opportunity to meditate
all the sea of poets below me
I do not denigrate but live on your will!
every struggle you endured or pride you held
I am nowhere without you
rest I will every step you leave me
a scaffolding of honest means
I am climbing to face my own weakness
my own need to find some help
you tried and went on different trail
everyday I listen for hope of breakthroughs
air, water, soil... what is sure step?
I know enough to not throw insight away
there is no furry like a heart found escape..
I am not there yet... just a point for fresh breath

Just being so overwhelmed by life and trying to find a real friend to help me put some poems into a book and not fall to pieces at this point. So much recognition of failure and few of accomplishments.


reading Hart Crane and Robinson Jefferson
viewing 127 Days Trailor and interview with James Franco
Aron Ralston: Between A Rock And A Hard Place
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