The Water Of Life Poem by Kathleen J. Shields

The Water Of Life

A tree on a shoreline absorbed it within
And a change it made within its skin
It grew and prospered and never faded
The tree grew bigger but never degraded

As rainstorms came it drank no more
No dirty water from the rivers’ floor
No nutrients within it, no coolness or calm
Yet it kept growing up like a sprouting palm

Then one harsh summer turned into two
The drought spreading wide, heat replacing dew
Rivers dried up, lakes growing shallow
Other trees around it turning hallow

But this tree it prospered, it never failed
Thanks to that water it once inhaled
And as others around it withered away
It stood proud every burning day

But no one ever noticed, they never saw
This tree was the key without a flaw
They were too consumed in their cities and towns
Sirens and traffic and all other sounds

Never once did they venture, to head on out
To investigate life beyond the drought
So they never saw the glorious green
Branches held high for all eyes to be seen

They never partook in the water of life
Never drank from its spring to erase all their strife
Never feeling the water trickle into their throat
Where hopes and despairs would begin to float

Where the tree would embrace all the thirsty and parched
Giving valuable life to any whom had marched
Surviving forever without needing much more
A heavenly offer on a dried desert shore

But they never saw it, never gave it a glance
So they all missed out on their miracle chance
And while they sat there dying thirty and starved
A world around it, the tree had carved

Fore the water of life is not only a fable
It’s the spirit of God to those who are able.

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