The Whisper We All Hear Poem by Annie R. Austin

The Whisper We All Hear

Once on a magical night, there was a whisper in the air
This whisper was heard all through out the lands
The time was near, to rise and behold our talents
That will be used to heal the lands Some of those who heard the whisper clear
Scoffed at the words they heard - lacking faith in themselves, you see
Other's though took the challenge at hand and held it dear
For they knew the truth - In their minds eye they had seen
Visions of peace with music and laughter in the air along with
Great storytelling for those in despair Yes, there would still be healing of the lands even for the people
who couldn't see
With all of this music and laughter in the air they couldn't help but feel
The glorious vibrations from the others, who left despair and joined in to
partake in the magic that filled the air
Those who didn't scoff and only had fear there isn't any worry here God will lift you up to a place you never thought you could be
Higher and Higher you will reach!
If there is one of you who does not believe - then believe, that I believe
Because it happened to Me! As it is written and so it shall be, the more you do - the more you can be
So go ahead and make a start, the worst that will happen is that
You will find that your heart is still there
Rejoicing, that you too heard and took action on the whisper in the air!

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Annie R. Austin

Annie R. Austin

Tampa, Florida, USA
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