The Winds Of Hate-2023! ! Poem by Tom Zart

The Winds Of Hate-2023! !

Hatred has plagued man since we wore skins of fur
Beating our enemies with stick and stone.
History has proven what we refuse to learn
As the seeds of hate by conflict are sown.

It's a fact, hate has been caused by religion
Or by those of different pigment of skin.
It's also a fact it's mostly jealousy
Mixed with the stupidity of men.

War never leaves a country as it was
When neutrality is a word disregarded.
As the murderous hands of man himself
Are to blame for all who have departed.

War is the greatest plague of man
Religion, state, and sanity.
Any scourge is more preferred
Than the one which disables humanity.

By Tom Zart
Most Published Poet On The Web!

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