The World Poem by Shaykh Zulqarnain

The World

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Amidst the whispers of the wind,
I speak to thee, my dearest friend,
With eloquence and poetry, I convey,
The love that fills my heart, night and day.

For though we part, and go our separate ways,
My love for thee shall linger, all my days,
And though you seek a man of wealth and fame,
In love, no one will love you like me, the same.

For love is not a thing that can be bought,
Nor can it be attained through riches sought,
It is a feeling, a connection, pure and true,
A bond that grows with time, through and through.

And though my pockets may be bare and thin,
My heart is rich in love, a treasure within,
A love that knows no bounds, nor time,
A love that's yours, and yours alone, sublime.

For though you seek a man of wealth and means,
In love, no one can match my heart, it seems,
For money cannot buy the love we share,
Nor can it make you feel as loved, as I dare.

So, heed my words, and let them linger,
In your heart, for they are sincere and tender,
No one will love you as much as I,
Or cherish you, the way that I try.

For though we part, and go our separate ways,
My love for thee shall linger, all my days,
And though you seek a man of wealth and fame,
In love, no one will love you like me, the same.

The World
Tuesday, May 9, 2023
Topic(s) of this poem: light poetry,patriot,poems
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