There Must Be Something, Lord! Poem by Denis Martindale

There Must Be Something, Lord!

There must be something in Your heart! Something inside Your mind!
Something! So I can then impart Your thoughts to all Mankind.
Have You one hymn, one psalm, one prayer to stop things getting worse?
Have You one prophecy to share for me to write in verse?

You know the future and the past, each second of each day,
And with that knowledge oh so vast, have You something to say?
Are there more stories to get told? More parables to tell?
Are there more glories to unfold to save lost souls from Hell?

There must be something in Your heart! Something inside Your mind!
Something! So I can then impart Your thoughts to all Mankind.
If You need a ready writer, help me to understand,
How You make Man's future brighter through what You still have planned.

Each revelation takes its time, as angels would declare,
Yet only Your Truth proves sublime in answer to each prayer!
What blessings can this Christian write that ever prove enough?
Unless You guide me day and night! Through Christ, the King of Love!

Denis Martindale, for the 17th of May 2024.

There Must Be Something, Lord!
Thursday, May 16, 2024
Topic(s) of this poem: prophecy
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