There's A Song For Everything Nowadays Besides What I Need A Song For. Poem by Maxwell Holland

There's A Song For Everything Nowadays Besides What I Need A Song For.

It seems like every song that comes out nowadays is some kind of love song, right?
Whether they're begging for another chance, or revealing a secret crush, or lusting after another,
Or simply telling the one they love how they truly feel,
There's a song for everything nowadays.

'If my heart was a house, you'd be home.'
'Baby, please don't gooooooooo, if I wake up tomorrow, will you still be here? '
'Pretty brown eyes, you know I need you..'
They're all about love somehow.

People use those songs to tell others how they feel,
You know, since they can't write their feelings themselves.
I would do the same for you in a heartbeat,
If any of them were good enough.

I'm the most uncoordinated, dorky, hopelessly romantic person you could ever meet in a lifetime.
I'm the last person that could EVER write a poem telling you how I feel..
None of my words sound good together. None of them seem to fit to get my message across.
But there's always music, right?

I can listen to music forever. I need music. I have so much of it.
I'll listen to it from when I wake up until I go to sleep.
Everything but country. I'll listen to everything but country.
So I have to have at least one song that tells you exactly how I feel... right?

Nothing is good enough,
Nothing says what I'm saying in my head.
Nothing can say what I want to tell you.

Everyone seems to do this better than I can.
Even your past exes, they seem to be able to express themselves so much better.
It makes me jealous because I can't.
Because I love you more than they ever could, combined.

There's so much I want to tell you, so much I want to reveal to you.
I have so much written in this notebook that I want to share.
But if I wasn't the uncoordinated, dorky, shy person I am,
I probably would.

I know what you're thinking after reading all of this.
'Well, maybe country music has the words you're looking for.'
No, I highly doubt that.
There's a song for everything nowadays besides what I need a song for.

Maxwell Holland

Maxwell Holland

Atlanta, Georgia
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