There's Nobody Poem by Gary James Smith

There's Nobody

Rating: 5.0

There's Nobody

There's nobody that can twist our arm
To make us do the things we do
We are led unto the realm of sin
Mostly because we want to
O we can give this excuse and that
To cover all our bases
But when before the Lord we stand
There will be a number of shamed faces

For God will hold us accountable
For our wanderings away from Him
And has given it a titled name
That titled name is Sin!
We always try to smooth things over
And have our own volcabulary
To mask sin for what it is
Living a life that's to God contrary

So a cautionary message friend
Don't walk in your wilful way
For God will recompensein time
A reward for when you disobey
It's a fearful thing to fall into the Hands
Of such a just and holy One
Don't treat life as if it is your own
You are bought by Christ the Son!

So take a deep breath now and consider
What will your future hold
And emptiness outside of God
Will you live your life so bold
To leave out God and His great love
Remember Christ died for your sin
Forget yourself and flee to God
Repent and begin again!

Copyright April 27 2018 9: 36am

Gary James Smith

Friday, April 27, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Gary James Smith

Gary James Smith

Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
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