There Was No Big Bang Poem by Paul Hartal

There Was No Big Bang

Astrophysicists claim that about 13.8 billion years ago
our universe sprang into existence in an enormous
cosmic explosion. It was born out of nothing,
in a Big Bang, they say.

However, just because scientists say something
doesn't make it true. In reality,
the gigantic cosmic blast never happened.
Scientific evidence challenges the Big Bang Theory
and upon examination it rises as a well-combed myth:
There was no Big Bang.

According to the Big Bang theory, space, time, matter
and energy were initially squeezed into a tiny,
a less than proton-sized dense singularity,
which blew up in a colossal firecracker event and thus,
asserts the theory, our universe sprang into existence,
expanding rapidly in every direction of the cosmos.

The idea of a cosmic Big Bang crops up as early as 1848,
in Edgar Allan Poe's 40,000 wordprose poem,
"Eureka".Here Poe discusses man's relationship
to God and describes his intuitive vision of an oscillating
universe, wherein creation and destruction follow each
other in cycles.

However, it was only in the 20th century
that the scientific hypothesis of the Big Bang began
to assume form. The rise of the Big Bang Theory
involved theoretical implications found in Einstein's
Theory of Relativity and astronomical research.
An important step for the development of the theory
was astronomer Edwin Hubble's discovery in the
early 1920s that the galaxies in the universe
are receding from each other. This led to the conjecture
that initially the galaxies were clumped together.

Based on Hubble's discovery, Georges Lemaitre
in 1927 proposed that the universe was expanding
from the "Cosmic Egg" of the primeval atom.
Two decades later the physicist George Gamow
Proposed that the universe resulted from a
Primordial explosion of matter.

In 1965 Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson discovered
a faint radiation coming from space, which they
interpreted as evidence confirming the Big Bang.
This is celebrated as a landmark scientific discovery.
Astronomers claim that in the beginning, at time zero,
all the matter, energy, space and time in the universe
were packed into aninfinetely dense point, called
singularity. Tinier than a proton, this singularity
exploded 13.8 billion years ago, they say.

Thus, similarly to the Biblical story in Genesis,
It is assumed that the Big Bang occurred ex nihilo,
which renders it as an astonishing scientific miracle:
creation out of nothing.

Contrary to the commonly held belief
that the Big Bang is a fact, like spider webs and pizza,
it is not. The Big Bang Theory is a scientific fantasy.
Actually, even a leading science journal, "Nature",
in its Editorial of August 1988,
titled "Down with the Big Bang", called the theory

One of the leading physicists challenging the Big Bang
Theory, Nobel laureate Hannes Alfven, is a pioneer of
Plasma Cosmology, who rejects the notion
that the origin of the universe begins with
a colossal explosion.He suggests that instead of
viewing gravity as the dominant shaping force
of the Big Bang, the electrically charged gases of
cosmic plasma with their electric and magnetic forces,
along with gravity, organize matter into stars and galexies.
Alfven points out that even if the Hubble expansion
of the universe is correct, it does not follow that
there was a Big Bang.

We still don't know whether the universe is finite
or infinite.When we look at Polaris, the North Star,
we look at the brightest star at in the constellation
of Ursa Minor,434 light years away and ago.Sirius,
a binary star system and the brightest star in our
night sky, shines 8.6 light years away and ago.
These, and countless billions of other stars, represent
as Einstein put it, "an aggregate of nonsimultaneous
events."We can observe stars in the night sky
as energy radiating events although many of them
probably don'teven exist by now.

From the nonsimultaneous scenario of the cosmos
the visionary system theorist Buckminster Fuller
drew the conclusion thatthe universe is inherently
eternal and it "could not have begun with a Big Bang"

It was the distinguished astrophysicists Fred Hoyle
who on a BBC radio programme broadcast on March
28,1949, coined the term "Big Bang".However,
Hoyle disagreed with the interpretation of the concept
of an expanding universe. He saw the idea that
the cosmos had a beginning as pseudoscience
that invites arguments for a creator.

Beginning in 1948, Hoyle sarted to formulate
the Steady State Theory of the Universe
in collaboration with Thomas Gold and Herman
Bondi. As an alternative to the Big Bang,
the Steady State Theory envisioned the universe
as eternal and essentially unchanging despite
galaxies moving away from each other.

It assumes that new matter is created all the time
in the universe and that the formation of new
galaxiesfills up the gaps left behind by those
that migrated. The Steady State Theory conjures up
the image of a flowing river in which particular
water molecules arein constant flux, yet,
on the whole, the river itself does not change.

It is noteworthy to bear in mind that the idea of
a Steady State Universe cannot be refuted by math
or science. The origin and evolution of the cosmos
involve metaphysical problems, theoretical considerations
that transcend the scope and limits of science.

Since science fails to explain the mystery of existence
the Steady State Theory is no closer to ultimate truths
than the Big Bang.Yet, iIn view of the shaky scientific
foundation of the latter, its enduring acceptance
is quite surprising.

Rather than a staunch scientific theory,
the Big Bang emerges as a pseudo-scientific myth.
Its pivotal flaws include the fact that the theory
is supported more by mathematical formulae
than solid empirical evidence. In this regard Einstein
warns us that the correspondence between
the Queen of Sciences, mathematics, and reality
does not warrant certainty; whereasRusselldefines
mathematics "as the subject in which we never
know what we are talking about, nor whether
what we are saying is true.

Monday, February 11, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: edgar allan poe,myth,science,universe
Here are some of the books that I perused for this write:

R. Buckminster Fuller, Cosmography (NY: Macmillan,1992)

Bruce Gregory, Inventing Reality (NY: John Wiley,1988)

Roger S. Jones, Physics as Metaphor (NY: Meridian,1983)

Eric J. Lerner, The Big Bang Never Happened (NY: Vintage,1992)

Joseph Silk, The Big Bang (H.W Freeman,1980)
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