Thespian's Tragedy: Love's Silent Stage Poem by Marguerite Anderson

Thespian's Tragedy: Love's Silent Stage

Today, upon this stage, an actress must
Perform a tale of love and woe,
Many roles in past, she played and executed well
But in the hushed embrace of theater's din light
The actress is tasked with a daunting plight.
A stage shunned by secrets - silent, still
Where roles entwine with souls in deep repose,
And players dance through highs and crushing lows.

And as the actress steps into her role,
A barrier stands against her heart's deep toll.
For in her private chamber, love's cruel sting
Has left her soul encased in suffering.
A wall she's built to guard against the pain,
But now upon the stage, it forms a heavy chain.
For love scenes meant to stir the depths within,
Are met with hollow eyes, devoid of sin.

Her personal despair like a heavy shroud,
Envelops her, in silence deep and loud.
Unable to divorce her own lament,
From words and gestures in her art's descent.
And as the final curtain starts to fall,
A metaphor, a whisper to recall.
For in the death of characters, we find,
The end of actors trapped by past's cruel bind.

So let us mourn the passing of a star,
Whose brilliance dimmed beneath love's bitter scar.
For though her talent soared, her heart cried,
And in the end, it was her soul that died.

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