Things To Say... Poem by Vivek Kumar

Things To Say...

From the setting sun to rising moon...
Again, from blooms to the maroon....
The fallen leaf with the droplets of dew...
Soon, it started to smile with someone new...
Aparted from tree, aparted from ground...
May be, she is healing his all wounds...

Oath to this tale, I have so much things to say...
Never did before, you makes me feel in this way...
Touch of your hands will never let me down...
Deep inside your eyes, I'm a wandering fawn...
Your voice promises me to linger in my ears...
In your arms, my last breath with be free from fears....

You better, I'm not so good at love being shy...
But next to you, we both are above seventh sky...
Turning green, that leaf is a part of new plant...
Drops of your love and care is all we want....
I'll never forget, you kissed on my hands in a way...
I Love You, there are still so much things to say...

Saturday, November 24, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Anil Kumar Panda 24 November 2018

A very beautiful love poem. The flow and rhyming is so nice. Enjoyed thoroughly. 'You better, I'm not so good at love being shy... But next to you, we both are above seventh sky... Turning green, that leaf is a part of new plant... Drops of your love and care is all we want....' so nice. Thanks for sharing.

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