This Bag On Their Backs. Poem by DEDAN ONYANGO

This Bag On Their Backs.

Rating: 3.5

With their bags they walk
On their backs they talk.
'Excuse me sir
I lost my book! '
On their looks they
'But your bag is on your back
So why the buck? '

No luck in this pack,
More parrot in this park.
'Sir, I refuse to be a refuse!
I want my book please'
In this pack a void looms,
As the 'giants of snatchers roams! ”

“Young man,
Where did you keep your bug?
Or is it a bag you meant'

In this park,
The moment you are out of the sight,
Tip-toe they move
Mouse-like they breathe
Holding tight the zip they unzip.
A dictionary they remove.
A culture they found
Now they live.

This bag on their backs,
Holds their future
Which now has fractures,
Fractures made by friends so inhumane.
'Sir I saw X with my dictionary! '

This dictionary lacks the meaning of itself,
To them it is meaningless, useless but now they feel

'Call X here, I want to hear
What he has to say clear'
X on stage, 'No sir I'm accused wrongly,
It is my bag they took wrongly
Now they want me to deny

Teacher left confused,
This bag on their backs
Is it the one on my back?
Oh what a lack!

Monday, July 13, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: school
This poem seeks to highlight some of the challenges that teachers face in some parts of kenya i.e indiscipline issues. That makes the teachers have a rough timein decision making.
Amitava Sur 25 July 2015

A thoughtful write combining Bag Book and Bug Good to read the fracture of future Good to read highlighting the danger.

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Dedan Onyango 26 July 2015

Thank you for reading

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Allotey Abossey 19 July 2015

It's a blessing to be a teacher. I believe so though conditions for teachers are normally less considered. I pray things work well for all teachers. Good write my friend

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Dedan Onyango 26 July 2015

Thank you.

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Abdalla Juma Shenga 14 July 2015

this is a heavy pack to bear on ones back. one needs luck when its stuck on his back. students often steal from one another

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