This Eclectic Mix Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

This Eclectic Mix

We all are a part of this eclectic mix.
Seeking with our identities,
From a diverse collection of creeds believed...
To be accepted as people; human beings.
And not by race to be placed...
In divisions of importance,
As if fixed to be subjected and limited...
By perceptions conceived to be seen.

We all are a part of this eclectic mix.
To learn from our cultures and benefit from it.
And 'if' this was not the purpose,
To witness and observe our differences...
Why on 'this' one Earth we live,
Did 'Our' Creator allow with the giving...
Of this magnificent experience,
Just to have it destroyed by selfish conflicts?

This eclectic mix,
Gifted to us to experience and benefit...
As a joy to behold as we learn and grow.
And not decimate but appreciate,
As a treasured chest to protect.
And not let us rush to rust...
Or tarnish the gold,
We've been entrusted to hold.

This eclectic mix,
Gifted to us to experience and benefit...
As a joy to behold as we learn and grow.
And not rush to rust.
Or tarnish the gold,
We've been entrusted to hold.

This eclectic mix,
Gifted to us to experience and benefit...
Should not be rushed to rust.
Or tarnish as if a must,
A treasure chest filled with gold...
We've been entrusted to behold.

This eclectic mix,
Gifted to us to experience and benefit.
Has been entrusted to us,
To cherish and not let rust
As if entrusted to behold what is golden.

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