This Time Show No Mercy Poem by Michael Walkerjohn

This Time Show No Mercy

(Get Ready People)

I always wandered
about, lost in wonder
of what I may find… as
I always wandered about.
Losing time, emptying my mind
searching this universe for an absolute
defining example of ‘kindness'… and I
have not found this. My soul as always
hoped that freedom from all rules of
nature would give some species
chosen, that uniqueness and
therefore, clarify as not an
illusion; just one instance
of an individual, not of
divinity perfection…
Not! And the Missus
told me so! ‘We'
created humankind.
And ‘IAM' here to end
this "horrid experiment"!
Do any of you get this?
Time is of that essence
a second, of time in the
greater universe is a thousand
generations past, in the ‘time term'
of any living organisms on, or within
this ‘Earth, ' as you call ‘her; ' for she is
a ‘unique species, ' designed, to support
each and every one of you foolish creatures!
Oh! How I, lament the vanity of the human species!
Of all the species ‘I' placed upon her breasts, you
fools "take the cake; " for your low-browed
stupidity! "Ignorance is not bliss" … You
miscreants, you asp wholes, you know
nothings… you holders of no values!
Phuuck you! And ‘I' have promised
‘her, ' that ‘I' will not turn back again.
And for the ‘last time' ‘I; ' will end
humankind's horrible pain…
This, ‘I' promised ‘her'! But
‘she', does not trust me…
So, you each will very soon see…
‘her' anger… and there will be no mercy…
get ready people! You are each and every one
‘gonna burn in hello'! ; get turned into liquid jello
become gaseous and smelling quite nauseous…
what say any of you to this? Just give me a few
more seconds to strike this wooden match! You
have as a whole; caused my love to become such
a madness! Brought pain and wickedness to all
of this universe, through your murderous, and
treacherously horrible and insolent attitudes!
You rejected a simple request! To exist and live
in love and kindness towards your family and all
of your kin… remember, everything was prepared for
you in the beginning… everything came before you
in the beginning; and you continually throughout
all of the ages of humankind; to "phuuck that
proverbial dog"! Dumb asp pieces of manure! ‘I',
will shed not one tear as I, skewer the eachof you
and boil your flesh off your bones! How is that, for
a species ending event! My love for you; is crazed. Your
madness fills ‘US' with rage! You have made the ‘Eden; '
a prison cage for fools! And you know what it is IAM
going to bring true? To pass for each and every
goddamn one of you? IAM a God of
HELLFIRE and IAM bringing your
insanity to an end; ever so quickly.
Believe you in me… Humanity
is so thoroughly through, with
all of its banality. Finally, I will have
no mercy and, this time; show no mercy!

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