Thought I Had You Poem by Brendon Langeveldt

Thought I Had You

The way I watch your tweets,
check you facebook and BBM status
You'd swear we're still together,
But we're not
And I hate this.

I love you coz you knew that love didn't mean a ring,
So there wasn't as much pressure to do as they say, 'the right thing'.

We were free like birds with wings spread wide,
Yet we were locked to each other,
Bound like chain-tied.

When I felt pain inside,
Tears escaped your eyes.
We truly believed you were the rib from my right hand side.

Telepathic consensus,
So we never disagreed.
Even when you were miles away,
I could sense your very need.

You'd call me up and
Even when I'm sleeping, I'd expect it.
I'd call you and
Though your cell's on silent
you'd sense the ringing.

So connected were we,
That I alarmed your lady senses.
The moment I dropped
Both her garments and defenses.

As her nails scratched my back
You could feel it down your spine
And as her temperature rose
I swear you felt your blood boil.

Her sweat,
Dripping down your cheek.
Our beautiful scent of love
Burnt your nostrils with its reek.

You knew something was wrong,
You just wasn't sure what.
The butterflies inside her
Was like bombs to your gut.

You didn't have to smell me to know what went down,
You could feel it in my aura as soon as I came round.

You didn't show it, but I knew you were hurt and
Even though there were no flames I still knew you were burnt.

I can't believe the way I hurt you
When I'm the one promised to never ever dessert you.

I can't believe the way you smiled when you walked away.
You didn't shout at me,
You just said that you couldn't stay.

I thought I had you,
You thought you had me.
I thought we had us,
You thought we had we.

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