Thoughts Poem by 241 50l


I dont blink because if i do life would go faster I dont blink because if i do life would go faster
i dont assume my life would be a happily ever after
the side effect of dreams is failures if you belive them for too long you fail i dont belive in luck for everything is wriiten the first thing created was the pen to write our destination our ever after if i was to fall to the pits of destrution belif it was written like how the great civilizations had their peek now there an object for everyone to seek see how every human is blind to whats right around the corner death is a distant couisin who is picking on your very shoulder He gave us instructions why dont we listen istead of listenibg to tunes of mass animety derogatory statemebt and hatred towards reality i can tell you to wake up and smell the coffee but i guess i would be shot or put to silence like every great warner they thrusted their ears saying they would live wi
i dont assume my life would be a happily ever after
the side effect of dreams is failures if you belive them for too long you fail i dont belive in luck for everything is wriiten the first thing created was the pen to write our destination our ever after if i was to fall to the pits of destrution belif it was written like how the great civilizations had their peek now there an object for everyone to seek see how every human is blind to whats right around the corner death is a distant couisin who is picking on your very shoulder He gave us instructions why dont we listen istead of listenibg to tunes of mass animety derogatory statemebt and hatred towards reality i can tell you to wake up and smell the coffee but i guess i would be shot or put to silence like every great warner they thrusted their ears saying they would live without a care

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