Thrust To See The Hope Fall Out Of Hand Poem by J Sheba Anandhi

Thrust To See The Hope Fall Out Of Hand

It has been sixty nine years
Since the people shed tears,
Not under any foreign rule
But under democratic rule,
It is so miserable to see that
Many farmers the gem of prosperity
Is seeking permission to commit suicide
On this so called Independence Day,
Many belligerents fought for integrity
And many strived for freedom alongside
All to give India an Independence Day,
The fruit of all those efforts is not rotten
But the basic meaning is being forgotten,
This day is a day of celebration only
For the well-off people who entirely
Has got one holiday for festivity and
Can move on with nothing to understand
About the current awful state of farmers,
Many have lost not only their ancestral farms
Along with that their hopes; now calmer
Are the heads who are behind these forms
Of terrible crime, and they will never defy
Themselves in the place of these martyrs;
To loot was the motto of foreign rule,
Even under this huge democratic rule
If looting continues then where can freedom
Be free to wander in this nation, where all are
Not equally given their birth rights of freedom
To sow and reap in their own land, instead are
Forced to move out of their patrimonial land
And are thrust to see the hope fall out of hand.

Friday, January 1, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: freedom,independence day,rule
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