Tightly Woven Fine Love Silk Poem by mark glaser

Tightly Woven Fine Love Silk

There is no love bigger than this love,
There is no love deeper than this love.
Snuggled in a finely woven love silk,
It’s a rainbow colored silk fabric that’s wrapped upon us.

Your glistening crystal eyes of blues are large enough to lose a heart,
Your smile is angelic.
Attached to each is a sweet string tugging upon each one,
It makes the one another glow.

Every step is a synoptic motion,
Each smooth movement is a symphony.

You are like no other women, warm, caring, insightful, sprinkled with
There could never be enough words to describe all your wonderful attributes.
Dog sitting and motherhood to canine,
While Motherhood serious like no other,
Strength to make positive change,
Your love is what I love.

Keep me, hold me, and never let me go,
As I cherish you, cherish me.
God brought us together,
There can be no other explanation.
Soulful was I, looking was you.

We knew immediately there was no going back,
Slow we tried, stopping the train getting off the plane,
Holding the hands of the clock to stop time,
Nothing worked; nothing worked because love is ethereal and defies
time and reality.

Each step of the relationship builds strength,
Making love strong between two, growing love as planting a seed,
Caring for the plant, nurturing, nourishing, watching it mature,
It grows strong every day.

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