To Jupiter, King Of Planets Poem by Liza Sud

To Jupiter, King Of Planets

Jupiter came to Libra
on the 9th of September.
And sapphire appeared
to me, burning to fibril.

Is it the blue fire
of aurora polaris?
it is my cold blood -
giant in frozen statue.

It is spinning more fast
than small baby- the earth,
and of its magnet fields
you may hear the voice.

There's diamonds' rain.
And in shadow there is
more warmth than out of shade
because Jupiter heats.

Maybe that's why by people
He is valled planets' king.
The sun will move to him
through millions of years.

Then Water will appear
giving the birth to Life,
and now I was here
watching you, my Sapphire!

Our ocean will boil -
civilizations' crush,
Where will be sparkles of soul? -
Maybe in Your lands.


Юпитер вошел в Весы
9 сентября,
а мне явился Сапфир,
прожигая до дна.

Это синий огонь
в полярном сиянии,
это холодная кровь,
гигант в изваянии.

Крутится он быстрей,
чем малышка-Земля,
из магнитных полей
слышатся голоса.

Там из алмазов дождь,
и в тени там теплей,
чем вне тени, ведь Он
согревает сильней.

Может быть, потому
назван Царем планет.
Солнце сместится к нему
сквозь миллионы лет.

Будет на нем вода,
и зародится жизнь.
А я сейчас здесь тебя
видела, мой Сапфир.

Наш океан вскипит -
Цивилизаций крах.
Где будут искры души?
Может, в Твоих краях.

To Jupiter, King Of Planets
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: visionary
Daniel Brick 29 September 2016

Liza, your speculation that Jupiter might possibly become a life bearing planet is verified by scientific research. Jupiter is a failed sun - if its temperature had achieved a higher degree, it would have achieved the burst of energy called NUCLEAR FUSION, which creates more energy than it consumes - which is what a sun does and a planet cannot do. If that had happened we would have two suns instead of one. In the famous film 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY (from 1968, one year before American astronauts walked on the Moon!) an advanced alien race of beings ignite Jupiter so that Earth does have two suns. It's called Science Fiction. BTW I've read science fiction by the Strugatsky Brothers. They are masters of the craft/

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