To Jyothi Basu – A Loving Tribute: The ‘lamp’ Is Dead: Its Light Will Always Stay! Poem by Dr John Celes

To Jyothi Basu – A Loving Tribute: The ‘lamp’ Is Dead: Its Light Will Always Stay!

The ‘Lamp’ that lit the homes of myriad souls,
Who toiled, tilled, slogged as Indians proud, galore,
And stayed as guiding light achieving goals,
Has lost its oil and wick, and burns no more!

It stood as beacon for numerous souls,
Who flocked to him for wisdom that they sought,
And always got much more than they had thought;
The Lamp is gone but light it shone will stay!

The doyen worked his way uphill in life;
He stood beside all workers in their strife;
He was a perfect man, so rarely found,
He could have become mountain but stayed mound!

‘Hats off’ to leaders great who simple stay,
And lead unselfishly for others, way;
Who hold on party-men a trance-like sway,
Who lived for good principles every day!

The Lamp had burned for others sake for long;
Its light remains in hearts of myriad souls;
His glorious work will stay alive by song;
The man of mettle, heart of steel hadn’t holes!

No wonder, leaders praise him all sky-high!
His honest national service cannot die;
He left too big a void to be filled nigh;
His love for India is too great to vie!

‘God grant his soul eternal rest’, we pray!
May others follow his footsteps and way;
‘His example was golden’, people say;
He shines in hearts of many souls each day!
The ‘lamp’ is dead: Its light will always stay!

Dedicated in loving memory of the demised soul!

Copyright by Dr John Celes 1-17-2010

Dr John Celes

Dr John Celes

Tamilnadu, India
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