To My Daughters =) Poem by Stephen Morris

To My Daughters =)

When he loves you, he'll never let you down,
and you won't have to miss him, for he will always be around,
He'll hold you when you are happy, and he will hold you when you cry, always right beside you, to kiss the tear drops that you cry, because to him you will be an Angel, the only Star within his sky!
He'll take you on real dates, to the movies and the beach, and definitely to meet his Mom, and want that be so sweet! =)
No, he may not be a 'G', hardcore like a thug, but he'll never Dis you for his boys, and head out to the club, while you sit home thinking, this just can't be love! '
Fourteen or eighteen, even over twenty-one, them 'thuggin boys' might be fun, but they ain't about no love! Everyone's the same, they just all have different names, thinking that they hard, always running game!
I have watched you laugh, watched you love, and even watched you cry, and yes some of the tears that fell, were over some crazy guy,
And that's ok, it's the way of the world, with happy comes some sad, but make those tears worth their while, and listen to your Dad!
The one that loves you more than me, simply does not exist, but the one that loves you almost as much won't put your heart at risk, for he will wrap it up inside of his, and protect it with his life, and I am sure he will ask you many times, to please please be his wife =)
To say 'I Do' is up to you, as I can't answer for your heart,
but just find someone that loves you like this, and your off to a good start! =)

***This Grammatically Incorrect Poem =) is dedicated to my Daughters! *** Just Saying! ! =)

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