To My Parents Poem by Mary Murphy

To My Parents

Rating: 4.8

March 7th 1992
I was introduced to you
When the clock turned 9: 51
My life had finally begun.

After nine months of endless wait,
There I was in your arms,
Now you guide me to heavens gate,
Protecting me from Satan’s harms.

Along with me came my sister Joann,
Who perfectly filled your other hand,
I may have been smaller and a little less grown,
But with Joann I was never alone.

So helpless and small,
“Doctor will she make it? ”
Or would I fall,
Your prayers never quit.

I wouldn’t eat, nor stop crying,
As the nurses tried to keep me from dying.
God was watching all this from above,
He heard your prayers and spared me in love.

23 long days later you took me away,
At last I could live with my family each day.
All eight brothers and sisters to support my weak head,
And when nighttime came, to tuck me in bed.

You baptized me in Christ’s Holy Name
And on that day, a Catholic I became.
By this you gave me the chance to see God someday,
As you taught me about him, and showed me the way.

Each passing day I grew and I grew,
Always trying my best to be jut like you.
With love and faith my mind was filled.
And with that foundation I started to build.

Our family kept growing as new members came,
Not one of those members were ever the same.
First came along Kevin,
And he made eleven.

Two years later God sent us David,
He was the twelfth and last Murphy kid.
Though we all often fought with each other,
We were somehow kept in order by our loving mother.

I stood by your side at mass every Sunday,
Listening closely to the words you would say,
Wishing so deeply that I could also receive,
The One in Whom we so strongly believe.

When I looked up at Jessica and Jennifer,
I looked forward to being “just like her”.
Having five older sisters, life wasn’t so easy,
But without them life wouldn’t be so special for me.

Jessica got married and left the house,
Her room is still empty, except maybe a mouse.
I watched her marry the most perfect guy,
Yet for some reason, I wanted to cry.

The day finally came when my wish came true,
I received Our Lord, just like you!
I stood so much taller that day,
And never wanted to stop feeling that way.

God had actually entered into my body,
The same God who so lovingly created me,
Whenever I feel scared or down,
That feeling of His presence will always lift my frown.

How proud you looked at times I did right,
And how loving you were when you kissed me goodnight,
When I’d close my eyes I’d dream of you,
And pray that I could love the way you do.

As my brothers and sisters ventured into life on their own,
I started to feel less and less at home.
But that’s how life goes, and now that is clear,
and no matter where we all go, we’ll always hold you near.

Jamie was the next to be swept off her feet,
By another one of the greatest guy’s you’ll ever meet.
Once again I watched a sister walk down the isle,
She proved to me that sometimes tears take the place of a smile.

Meanwhile Jessica began a family of her own,
She had beautiful kids, all cute to the bone!
I became an aunt, and so proud was I!
To once more experience life pass so perfectly by.

Like you to us, they baptized their children in faith and love,
Because they knew too, God was watching from above.
When I saw the water and chrism welcome the new life so small.
I knew that one day, that new Catholic baby, would also stand tall.

You taught me that in Christ we are all connected,
Because for our sins He died and resurrected.
I believe this without an ounce of hesitation,
And so I was baptized by the Sprit, through Confirmation.

Now it’s my turn to be an example,
By living and spreading my faith to all people.
All because from you I have learned,
That if you live life right, Heaven can be earned.

Thank you with all my heart,
For loving me so much from the very start.
I value life a great deal, and look forward to eternity,
And I thank you, because you raised me!

Love always, your daughter Mary.

Louis Rams 03 December 2008

this dedication is beautiful. another 10

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