To My Wife Annalie Llorico... (Acrostic Poetry) Poem by Jesus Diaz Llorico

To My Wife Annalie Llorico... (Acrostic Poetry)

Rating: 4.3

A cross the room, she gently leans
N estled in green, a lovely scene
N ot a sign of exhausted drain
A s she works on, without complain
L ife's affliction, she takes in stride
I nspite of dire financial strife
E ver the sweet and loving wife...

P refer I state, her ancestral line
A s her family, hails from Davao
S he grew up in 'Mitsui Bussan'
I n future time, she became a nurse
L ater in Saudi, her work immerse
B y that time we have got engaged
A s our life braced, with each other
S he later became, a good mother...

L iving separate for a long time
L ost in space, with no other chance
O n this, at least we are still blessed
R est we pray and with no regret
I nspired we both by two offspring
C are and happiness they have bring
O nly the best, we shared and offered...

Heather Wilkins 09 August 2013

a lovely acrostic poem for your wife. many nice sentiments are expressed here. an enjoyable read

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Ramesh Rai 15 July 2013

why do i feel jealous can you tell me? plz c msg box. i regard her as a noble lady.

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Ramesh Rai 15 July 2013

why do i feel jealous can you tell me? plz c msg box. i regard her as a noble lady.

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