To You Love Is Not Enough (English Sonnet) Poem by Gert Strydom

To You Love Is Not Enough (English Sonnet)

(after Alexander Sergeyevich Pus)

With unknown lingering pain you do me leave
you tell me that in life love is not enough,
my true devotion you do not believe
and without you just existing to me seems rough,

and this view on love seems as great madness,
where as a grown man over you I weep.
Nothing can quench this unending sadness,
while the wounds you cause cuts more than soul-deep.

I feel that it might be better to die,
than to live my life with unending anguish,
that dismally day by do day multiply
while my mind, soul and body do languish

where you and I to each other are true
and so sincerely I do still love you.

[Reference: 'A wish' by Alexander Sergeyevich Pus

Poet's note: I am quoting his great poem right here:

'A wish' by Alexander Sergeyevich Pus

'The days drag on, each moment multiplies
Within my wounded heart the pain and sadness
Of an unhappy love and, dark, gives rise.
To sleepless dreams, the haunting dreams of madness
But I do not complain - instead, I weep;
Tears bring me solace, comforted they leave me.
My spirit, captive held by grief, a deep.
And bitter rapture finds in them, believe me.
Pass, life! Come, empty phantom, onward fly.
And in the silent void of darkness vanish.
Dear it to me my love's unending anguish;
If as I die I love, pray let me die.']
© Gert Strydom

Gert Strydom

Gert Strydom

Johannesburg, South Africa
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