Tomorrow When I Get Up In The Morning Poem by Ravi Kopra

Tomorrow When I Get Up In The Morning

Tomorrow when I get up in the morning
I will make for myself a cup of coffee
Coffee beans imported from Columbia
Grown in farms where women and children are
paid 10 paiso an hour and free water
to drink during the lunch and break hour
I will take the water from the frig made in Mexico
made by workers paid 12 paiso an hour and a free packet
of doritos for lunch but no free water
I will use half and half as creamer made from cows milk
injected with antibiotics and hormones and fed artificial
alfa alfa, bone meal and dried gut powder from sows and pigs
The sugar I use will be from Cuba where...

I will sit down to read the Times
made of paper from Brazilian forests, printed
with imported ink from China, run through presses
programmed by computer techs on work permits from India
News will be mostly American -

Someone bragging his catch of cats
Some movie moghul raping movie stars
Some crazy shooting innocent school chidren
Some policeman beating to death some jay walker
Some leader threatening to start third world war
Some lawmaker sexually harassing his staff
Besides burning sun, floods, droughts, fires, pollution
And law makers saying burn more coal it is cheaper
There is no evidence in the Bible it causes any pollution
And climate control, what nonsense, no such thing in the Bible either

It will just be the beginning of the day, like any other day in...

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