Too Late Now Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

Too Late Now

It's too late now,
I have crossed the barrier,
You too gentle fence,
And prospects are hazy for both,
No crowded pressures,
No solicitations,
All is placid plateau ahead
For straight run
To the brink
As far as legs can take.

You drew around you
Rigid Lakshman Rekha,
Fierce resistance
Awaited across it
Against your needs,
Against your soul,
A Hyde and Jeckyll dichotomy
Playing fierce,
But you, sticked to resolve,
Vestigia nulla retrorsum.

You closed all doors,
Shut every window,
No air could penetrate any;
I was left in cold,
Virtually froze
While throbbing within for you,
But tied out helpless;
I knew, it was time
To recede to the womb
To accept what I have.

It's two halves
Breathing each other
And forming one world;
Connected, yet unconnected,
Belonged, yet not belonged,
We hold no hopes
Of retrieving what was lost,
Burning ourselves hot
In deserts of our lives,
Yet longing for impossibles.

It's final breach,
No more paths to reach,
Nor any desire
After all these set-downs,
Tired to the core,
Swink't in efforts,
I long for long peace
With you or without you,
Enough is enough in life,
And ready to wear new gear.

Monday, July 17, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: life,love
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