Tree At My Window Poem by Robert Frost

Tree At My Window

Rating: 3.0

Tree at my window, window tree,
My sash is lowered when night comes on;
But let there never be curtain drawn
Between you and me.

Vague dream head lifted out of the ground,
And thing next most diffuse to cloud,
Not all your light tongues talking aloud
Could be profound.

But tree, I have seen you taken and tossed,
And if you have seen me when I slept,
You have seen me when I was taken and swept
And all but lost.

That day she put our heads together,
Fate had her imagination about her,
Your head so much concerned with outer,
Mine with inner, weather.

Branden Aeling 02 January 2010

amazing...always love his poems

21 17 Reply
Anamouse 08 February 2018

This poem is terrible, and i really don't understand any of the words. I also dont get why people think robert frickin frost is so good. Well news flash, HE'S NOT! !

8 23 Reply
James Gibson 12 February 2018

Great Comment

1 4
James Gibson 14 February 2018

Terrible Comment

2 0
Seema 14 December 2021

Glamorous poem

1 1 Reply
Nothing much 14 March 2019

This a deep poem.

1 2 Reply
yes 31 August 2022


0 2
whatsupguys 26 February 2019

Thanks, I am using this for a project in ELA

2 3 Reply
Ubaid 14 January 2019

Mind blowing poem

0 2 Reply
Satish 15 October 2018

I loved this poem

2 3 Reply
Robert Frost

Robert Frost

San Francisco
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